(FT5) First Full size pictures of the E-M5!!! (via Amazon Japan)
Finally that small image leak madness is over. This is the first full size picture of the upcoming new Olympus E-M5! As you see there is an external battery grip attached. It has an [shoplink 28231 ebay]OM-4T[/shoplink] like design. And here is the picture of the back (Click on it to enlarge):
This picture have been found at Amazon Japan (Click here). There is even a picture of a person with the new camera (Click here) on a polish forum!
Design opinion: As I told you yesterday the back of the camera looks a bit clunky. At the same time it looks very solid and “DSLR professional” alike. It’s a complete different approach than a Fuji X PRO 1 rangefinder design. The question now is:

Reminder: The camera will be announced next Wednesday February 8th. You can follow the event live here on 43rumors! You can join our group on facebook and follow our tweets.
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