(FT4) Panasonic 25mm f/1.4 to cost around $750-800
I just got the price info from two separated sources. The new 25mm f/1.4 Micro Four Thirds lens which is coming from Panasonic will cost around $750-800. That’s a bit less than the price of the Four Thirds Panasonic/Leica 25mm f/1.4 lens ([shoplink 16340 ebay]Click here to see price on eBay)[/shoplink] and in the same price league of the [shoplink 20015]Panasonic 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye[/shoplink] and [shoplink 14794]Panasonic 45mm f/2.8 macro[/shoplink]. The question now is if unlike the 8mm and 45mm lenses the 25mm will become a real bestseller.

– It has double the size of the [shoplink 14796]20mm f/1.7 pancake[/shoplink]
– Unlike the [shoplink 16340 ebay]Four Thirds Panasonic/Leica 25mm f/1.4 lens[/shoplink] it is not Leica branded
– It has no OIS.
– It should be announced late March/early April (but I am not sure about that yet!)
I have no info about the other lenses on the road map (see image on top).
– Bright zoom (this is the new video lens we are waiting for!)
– Bright Wide-Angle
Someone can send me info about those lenses ? :)
– 25mm f/1.4 Four Thirds lens at [shopcountry 16340].
– 20mm f/1.7 at [shopcountry 14796].
– 8mm fisheye at [shopcountry 20015].
– 45mm f/2.8 at [shopcountry 14794].
Reminder: Rumors classification explained (FT= FourThirds):
FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct