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Some fun “restaurant rumor” (The second after the E-P1)

[shoplink 20225 ebay][/shoplink]

I receied a rumor from an anonymous source that is not related to any (Micro-)FourThirds product. I thought I should post it because:
1) The person has been so nice to send me the rumor (Thanks!)
2) Because we are talking about a somewhat strange camera and it might be a sign that Fuji will not join the Micro Four Thirds system.
3) It’s fun to read how the source catched the info!

That’s the message:
I was sitting in a German restaurant yesterday and listened to a conversation of a Japanese guy with a German guy in -broken – English about Fujifilm working on a digital [shoplink 20225 ebay]Fuji TX[/shoplink] / [shoplink 20223 ebay]Hasselblad XPAN[/shoplink] like panorama camera with a larger extra wide sensor and the possibility to switch to normal image ratios. The special point was about a nearly doublewide sensor for improving panorama image quality.
Have you heard something about such a camera already?

So is Fuji going to make another “special” camera after the [shoplink 19929]Fuji X100[/shoplink]?
This is the second “restarant-rumor” I got in 2 years of 43rumors. The first one was about the [shoplink 16885]Olympus E-P1[/shoplink] having video…..and it was correct! So if you ask me that’s FT5! :)

[shoplink 20225 ebay]Fuji TX on eBay[/shoplink] [shoplink 20223 ebay]Hasselblad XPAN on eBay[/shoplink]

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