No other new Lumix MFT camera in 2024?

Just recently (on July 12) Panasonic officially registered a new camera model in China. The camera code is “P2403A” and it supports dual-band WiFi + Bluetooth. But I have been told this is highly unlikely to be a new MFT camera. It’s going ot be a FF L-mount model.

Sources also didn’t get any hints about any other possible MFT camera coming in late 2024. I would love to get anew Gm/GF kind of model but Panasonic seems to act according to my dreams :(

I also did not get any rumor about possible Lumix MFT lenses…

What do you think…what kind of products Panasonic should release to make you happy in 2025?

(FT4) No replacement for the E-M1X is planned

The E-M1X is only available as used item at BHphoto and Amazon.

According to one source OM Digital has no plant whatsoever to launch a new E-M1X successor.

That’s in contrast to what Mr. Yoshiyuki Nada said a year ago in an interview. There he stated the E-M1X successor is “under consideration”.

My feeling is that indeed we will not get a new OM-1X camera. But I still have some hope for a new PEN-FII !

OM Digital should launch the PEN-FII on Kickstarter!

Many are calling for OM Digital to release a new PEN-F successor. But in many interviews OM Digital has made it clear that it has no plans yet to develop such a model. In past years we have seen OM Digital often release lukewarm products that represent minor improvements over the predecessor. OM Digital is a small company with few resources, and it seems to me that it is afraid to take risks that could jeopardize its entire business model.

But history has shown many times that to grow you need innovation and bold risks. Otherwise you only delay your own inevitable death. Small companies like Blackmagic and lately even Pentax (with its beautiful and popular Pentax 17 film camera) have found an unexpected path to growth and popularity.

I am therefore officially asking OM Digital to launch a Kickstarter project for the PEN-FII. Make your case to the public, ask them to fund this journey. Let’s see if there is a real demand for this model. But please include all the best technologies you can:

Make it a camera that is easy to use for content creators AND photographers. What do you think about this idea?

Would you consider to fund the PEN-FII project trhough Kickstarter?

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New Panasonic (MFT?) Camera announcement on June 5?

Our reader Jakub sent me a link to a ‘leaked’ information about a new camera. Now, if I shared this link publicly someone would get in trouble and probably get fired. So I’m keeping it under wraps for now, unless some other website publishes it and forces me to report it. In essence, this ‘leak’ tells us this:

  • On 5 June Panasonic will announce a new camera.
  • This camera will NOT be Full Frame

I see three options:

  • It will be a new MFT camera
  • A compact fixed-lens camera (possibly the successor to the LX100).
  • It is an APS-C L-mount (I think this is very unlikely).

We know that Panasonic has registered three new Lumix cameras in China. One is for the new Lumix S9. The other two cameras have yet to be announced. it sounds pretty unusual for Panasonic to unveil a new camera two weeks only after the major S9 announcement. But the “leak” seems pretty accurate to me. I still don’t know what to expect, all I got is info from a new source saying this is a new MFT camera…but this is not a confirmed info yet.

Please drop me a message at or use this contact box if you have some more info to share! Stay tuned folks!