One more email from Noktor


I just received this mail from Noktor: “Senko, Navitar, Yakumo, etc all re-brand their lenses from a single japanese optical company. They do not make the lenses. The Noktor lens is slightly different in mechanical design, and has a different internal anti-reflective coating as well.


a little bit of everything…


Olympus E-PL1 presentation in czech language :)

SLR video camera accessories’ sales grow with popularity (usatoday)
New weekly japanese sales rankings at
Some E-P2 High Iso tests at Pixinfo
The Beginner’s Guide to Photography Terminology (ThePhoBlographer)
Giz Explains: Why ISO Is the New Megapixel (Gizmodo)
Today DEAL: Panasonic GF1 with 20mm f/1.7 Aspherical Lens. In Stock for $899 (via amazon!)


Everything about Senko/Navitron/Yakumo

Click on picture to enlarge

The Notkor 50mm f/0.95 lens for MicroFourThirds is very similar to the three lenses pictured above. I looked around the web and that’s the info I found about the three lenses. Feel free to add your links by commenting this post.

The Senko lens database.
Senko lenses on Ebay
Example of a Panasonic DMC-GF1 + Senko ADL 25mm f/0.95 flickr

Flickr image samples of the Yakumo 50mm f/0.95 lens

Image samples of the Navitron 50mm f/0.95 on emi007blog
Navitron lenses on Ebay


Updated: Olympus E-PL1 preorder table.

The red E-PL1 - not available in US stores

UPDATE: We added the links to Amazon Deutschland. Interesting -> the blue version seems to be not available in Europe.

Olympus E-PL1 Black:
Amazon / Adorama / Amazon UK / Amazon DE

Olympus E-PL1 Blue:
Amazon / Adorama

Olympus E-PL1 Silver:
Amazon / Adorama / Amazon UK / Amazon DE

Olympus E-PL1 White:
Amazon UK / Amazon DE

Olympus E-PL1 Red:
Amazon UK / Amazon DE

Olympus SEMA-1 Mic Adapter Set for Olympus E-PL1:

Olympus 14-150mm:
Amazon / Adorama / Amazon DE

Olympus 9-18mm:
Olympus 9-18mm / Adorama / Amazon DE


Noktor price speculation and poll.


Many of you do believe the Noktor lens could be a modification/copy of the Senko lens. The actual price for a Senko lens is $730 (check it out here).

Now if the price of the new Noktor lens will be under $1000 (Euro 750) and the quality decent at 0.95 and good at f/1.2-f/1.4….

What kind of improvements or new features do you want to see for the E-P3? (select a maximum of three options)

View Results

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The Noktor company response at 43rumors


I just received an email form the company:

Thanks for the message. The company is very real. There are a couple photographers with lenses now, so there will be a lot more images and footage along with the product launch next month. The info from google’s cache is incorrect. It was placeholder text while the site was developed. The main corrections are 480g weight and 23° Angle of View.
Goals? Develop and sell the fastest lens possible :)

As many of you noticed the Lens seems to be acopy of the Senko lens. more infos here:

P.S: It is obvious that the lens is neither a Leica Lens or
Voigtländer Lens!
Leica Objektiv or Voigtländer Objektiv!
Zeiss lens or Voigtländer lens!
Leica Lens or Voigtländer lens!
Leica Lens or Voigtländer lens!
Leica Lens or Voigtländer lens!
Leica Objektiv or Voigtländer Objektiv!
Leica Objektiv or Voigtländer Objektiv!
Leica Objektiv or Voigtländer Objektiv!
Leica Objektiv or Voigtländer Objektiv!
Leica Objetivos or Voigtländer Lens!
Leica Objectif or Voigtländer Objectif!
Leica Lens or Voigtländer Lens!
Leica Lens or Voigtländer Lens!
Zeiss Lens or Voigtländer Lens!
Leica Lens or Voigtländer Lens!
