a little bit of everything…


Olympus E-PL1 Unboxing

The japanese filmmaker Yuichi Kondo talks about the Pansonic GF1 video capabilities. (DC.watch.impress)
Samsung NX10 – new firmware available (samsung.com)
Large E-PL1 samples (dpreview forum)
E-P2 and OM 50mm f1.4 MC in London (dpreview forum)
The airlines are stupid. You have to be smart. (bythom)


(FT3) Panasonic LVF1 viewfinder replacement soon?


Yesterday we noticed a price drop on the Panasonic DMW-LVF1 External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1. This made us suspicious. We asked around a little bit and that is what we got:

According to infos we received from Japan the Panasonic DMW-LVF1 is going to be replaced!

ANother japanese source sent us following t0xte:
Sales clerks at several major retailers around Tokyo (Bic Camera, Yodobashi Camera) have confirmed that the LVF1 is no longer being manufactured by Panasonic, and most places are either out of stock or “on order” with no estimated arrivals.


The need for speed -> De Oude Delft 50mm f/0.75 on Ebay!


Oh we all love our Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 Lens. But admit it we always wanted it faster. And if you thought that the f/0.95 aperture of the Noktor is as fast as you can get you were wrong!
On Ebay we just found the extream rare De Oude Delft 50mm f/0.75 lens (click here). The M-mount lens cost US $1,500.00 and you have to tolerate the fungus on the glass :(
But guys that’s a 50mm f/0.75!

If you want it faster you need to find the Carl Zeiss 50mm f/0.7. It is a Limited production lens built for the NASA space program- Stanley Kubrick used it on a 35mm movie cameras for some candlelit scenes in Barry Lyndon! Story of the Zeiss lens is available here: http://www.visual-memory.co.uk/sk/ac/len/page1.htm


a little bit of everything…


By Philip Bloom Filmed in Dubai over 5 days and nights. Shot on the Canon 7D, 2x5DmkII and one Panasonic GF1

Bibble5 has been updated. Now it supports the Olympus E-PL1
New weekly Japanese DSLR sales rankings (BCNranking)
Panasonic Touch The Future Tour (Imaging Resource)
GH2 Predictions / Wishlist by Lisa Witz
Panasonic G2 image samples at DDAY.it (google english translation) -> found via fotoactualidad


Olympus confirms that they are working on the E-3 successor.


In an interview with Amateur Photographer MR.Terada from Olympus said that “we are planning to introduce new Four Thirds bodies in the future” and “a replacement for the top-end E-3 is being worked on“.

We from 43rumors”believe” that the E-5 (?) will be more than just an upgraded E-3.

Now the BIG question. What happened with MR.Richard S. Pelkowski from Olympus US who weeks ago told us that the Olympus E-Sytem will go mirrorless within two years?

[Thanks noisycamera]