(FT1) Too good to be true: Two PEN-F coming in late 2020? I doubt so!
An anonymous source sent me a rumor that I would normally NOT post. But it’s a kind of rumor I would wish to be true. So for the sake of discussion let’s read it:
Fans of Olympus Pen-F are in for a big surprise late 2020. Two versions – one premium aka Pen F mkII and one more in the line of a ordinary Pen but with viewfinder are in pipeline. Early stages but from a source high up in Olympus so very reliable.
We know from our source the PEN-F sales didn’t meat their goal. And that’s why Olympus scrapped the PEN-FII release. Still, the PEN-F camera is in my opinion the most beautiful MFT camera on market and I do hope Olympus reconsiders to make a successor. A PEN-FII with brand new sensor may sell more than they would expect! What do you think?