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60mm macro tested at Photozone.

Image courtesy: Photozone. Photozone (Click here) published the full Olympus 60mm macro review: "The question of the day is whether to prefer the Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f/2.8 ED macro over…

Also the 60mm macro gets DxOmarked.

After having tested the Olympus body cap lens today DxOmark (Click here) also released the Olympus 60mm macro results. They write: "Compared to its main (and more expensive) competitor, the…

Patent: Konica Minolta 12-42mm MFT lens.

Egami (translation here) spotted another Konica-Minolta patent describing a normal 14-42mm or (as variation) 12-42mm lens. The interesting news here is that the lens is made to cover a Four…

a little bit of everything…

Olympus E-PL5 Camera Review & Hands on Demo by Whatdigitalcamera. G shoots Miami People – 30 celebrity portraits, 3 covers, one hybrid (SmallCameraBigPicture). Panasonic G5 review at CameraLabs. Against the…

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