New Olympus president Yasuo Takeuchi says they will surely NOT sell the camera business


From April 1st Yasuo Takeuchi is becoming the new Olympus president. And in an interview released at Sankeibiz he directly debunked the rumors saying that shareholder ValueAct Capital asked to get rid of the camera business.

Yasuo Takeuchi once more confirmed how vital the camera business is for their much bigger medical business. They will never get rid of their camera business period :)

found via Digicameinfo


a bit of everything…


Micro Four Thirds Triad-Part 1

Latest Canon presentation confirms their focus is now on Mirrorless (MirrorlessRumors).
Yongnuo shares more details about its upcoming YN450 Android-powered mirrorless camera (Dpreview).
A Guide to Choosing Umbrellas and Softboxes (Explora).
New Panasonic S tests roundup (L-rumors).

Share your best pictures on our new Instagram MicroFourThirdsGallery.

Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group, Panasonic FF and the GH5 group.


(FT5) Panasonic G85 successor rumored to be announced in early April


A source heard that Panasonic might announce the new G85 successor in early April. I am trying to get some specs…

UPDATE: I upgraded this rumor from FT3 to FT5 because other sources confirmed this rumor!

To readers: While I am working to get some early specs I kindly invite you to stay tuned on 43rumors by subscribing here:
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Updated Primers EQX sets for Panasonic cameras


Press text:

We have just updated our Primers EQX sets for Panasonic cameras.
This update affects Panasonic EVA1 and GH5 Primers EQX sets, bringing significant image improvements across the signal range and shooting scenarios.
Multiple microtonal optimizations are achieved, affecting accuracy, separation, organicity, richness and signal stability for post production.
Image now feels and behaves more naturally, having superior transition to overexposure, which together with tonal organicity brings film-like image performance. This update also brings easier camera matching. Update is free of charge for existing Primers customers and it is hittting emails soon.
Panasonic GH5S is scheduled for analysis and optimization.

Primers project info:
Primers are per-sensor and base colour science designed, scene-independent image transformations, embodied into a set of high precision 3DLUTs. Each set is designed on custom-developed, professional, in-depth camera signal analysis, to provide superior imaging results with organic and stable image basis. Primers transformation tools re-structure the signal within the transformation step from base colour science to delivery standard, implementing multiple image optimizations in aesthetic and technical parameters and additionally empowering post-production workflow.

Web page:
