UPDATED: Samsung blog blames MicroFourThirds…


UPDATE: One hour after publishing our post Samsung removed the article.

This is our original post:

I just want to share with you an exerpt of one of the latest article on the official Samsung blog (Samsungimaging.com).

However, what I can tell you is, that the APS-C image sensor is bigger than micro four third sensors. The increased size of image sensors results in improved low light performances and greater dynamic range. Thus meaning, the image quality of the pictures taken with an APS-C are theoretically better than the ones taken with a Micro Four Third sensor” and “I mean, that’s like saying a usual VW Golf equals a Ferrari because it rolls on 4 tires.

So we are VW and they are Ferrari. I dont’t know if I should laugh or cry. Do they really need to write such kind of s….. to “convince” people to buy their products?


Amazon worldwide rankings compared.


I thought it would be interesting to compare the worldwide Amazon DSLR sales rankings. Please keep in mind that in every country you have different deals. Amazon is also not very popular in Europe and Japan like it is in US. I will show you the TOP 5 DSLR + the 5 most sold Panasonic and Olympus cameras

If you compare the rankings you can notice that:
1) Only Amazon Japan has a Panasonic/Olympus which is in the TOP 5 (On first place the white GF1+20mm lens)
2) In Germany FourThirds cameras are very popular.
3) Olympus E-PL1 preorders are quite low.

Click on the camera name to jump to the amazon camera page

Amazon Germany
Pos – Product

(FT3) No GH1 successor until Photokina in September?


I am receiving more and more rumors confirming the Panasonic GH1 successor will not appear soon. Most of my sources do say a GH2 announcement is very likely planned for Photokina in September.

I know that’s bad news but I suspect the new Panasonic G1 successor will come with new video recording capabilities.

Don’t worry to much I also have some small good news for you!

The Panasonic TM700
Panasonic has ignored the CES stage as to now leave a month later, a fat cat out of the bag: The new consumer-top models with three image sensors (HDC-SD707, HDC-HS700 and HDC-TM700) will offer a true 1080p50 recording mode.
And what’s really interesting is the data rate of 28 Mbit! But how does this fit 1080p50 in the AVCHD standard? The AVCHD standard data rate is 17 or 24 Mbit. We didn’t get the answer.

Anyway a future Panasonic GH2 camera with 1080p60/50 and 28 Mbit data rate would be definitely an amazing camera which will probably be a worthy (if not more) competitor of the new Canon Rebel T2i video capabilities!
