micro 4/3 adapter for enlarger lens (Rodenstock-Schneider-DURST…)

The Adapter

The italian engineer Adriano Lolli created a new adapter. Original description from his website: “Adapter for obiectives by magnifying with screw thread M39 cameras in 39×1 graft Olympus, Lumix, Panasonic, Leica, etc. with bayonet micro 4 / 3. Allows you to mount all the breeding objectives with M39 thread on graft focamere micro 4/3. If somebody has a lens with a different diameter of thread, please note that we realize every kind of fitting. Also check the draft of your objective for allowing focus properly: it must be put into the range of the values shown in the second photo (from 20 mm to 28 mm). We realize the same adapter for different measures, see article: 3189

Nice! Now we can use our “old” enlarger lens on MFT!


Is that a real 55mm F/1.0 lens with original MicroFourThirds mount?

Click on picture to enlarge

I just received an email from one of our readers which found that lens on ebay. The description of the owner says: “This lens is 55mm f/1.0~f/11 , was manufactory in Japan by Kowa. Lens rework on Panasonic Lumix G1 GF1 GH1 or Olympus E-P1 E-P2.“. The lens fits on a MicroFourThirds camera without any adapter!

Click here to read the full description on ebay.com.
(P.S: The lens is currently in auction)

[Thanks Kivancc]
Click on picture to enlarge

UPDATED with one more review: E-P2 review at CameraLabs and Focus Numerique (and two new E-PL1 previews)


One of my favorite websites tested the Olympus E-P2. Click here to read the whole review made by CameraLabs! The most interesting part to me is when they talk about the E-P2 versus the new E-PL1: “There’s simply no getting away from the fact the E-PL1 includes the most important aspects of the E-P2 at a lower price and throws a flash in too.

One more E-P2 review has been posted by Focus Numerique (click here to read the google english translation)

UPDATE: One more review has been posted by digitalcamerareview.com.

E-PL1 previews:

TrendyNikkei.jp made a preview of the new camera
Olympus E-PL1 preview Digital Camera Review at ePhotozine

Click here to read the Olympus E-PL1 preorder table


(FT4) The competition is striking back: Samsung and Sony ready to launch new mirrorless cameras!


Just a small update about the MicroFourThirds competition. It seems that Sony is going to announce two or more mirrorless cameras on PMA (click here to read the specs on SonyAlphaRumors). Samsung is also going to announce a cheaper NX camera (source: k-rumors.com).

What’s common with the the two rumors is that it seems that both companies will present very compact cameras (like the Pen-series or Panasonic GF1).

Interesting: Canon and Nikon should not unveil any mirrorless camera soon…
