$100 off on the Nocticron lens!


For two days you can save $100 on the superb Nocticron 42,5mm f/1.2 lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).

US deals Reminder:

Olympus US launched a $50 rebate on the following MFT lenses:
$50 off on the 45mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and GetOlympus.
$50 off on the 17mm f/2.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and GetOlympus.
$50 off on the 60mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and GetOlympus.
$50 off on the 75-300mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and GetOlympus.
$50 off on the 40-150mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and GetOlympus.

All current Olympus deals can be seen on that Amazon page and on that GetOlympus page.

Those are all current Olympus deals at GetOlympus:
Save $50 on Fast Prime Lenses for OM-D & PEN
Save $50 on Zoom Lenses for OM-D & PEN
Save $100 on the Award-Winning OM-D E-M1
Get a FREE Camera Grip with OM-D E-M10 Purchase
Up to $900 Off Lenses with OM-D or PEN E-P5 Purchase
Up to $100 Off Recorders with OM-D or E-P5 Purchase
FREE Wi-Fi Card with the E-PL5


Panasonic financial report: System Camera sales increased.


Panasonic just released the full first quarter financial results (pdf file here). The first good news is that Panasonic is writing black numbers and recovering from the crisis they had the past years (just like any other electronic company had).

There is no much info about the Digital camera Business but the news are good:

Although sales in Europe were down due to weaker sales in TVs and DSCs as well as the impact of political instability in Ukraine, sales in the other regions increased from last year.

In the challenging businesses such as DSCs and mobile phones, profitability improved due to the impact of new products and cutbacks in products.


Debunking rumors from others: There is no Full Frame OMD coming at Photokina.


Since yesterday you can see links posted on forums (and even on my comment system) to rumor/news sites that claims to know that Olympus will launch a Full Frame OMD.

Well, of course you can never be 100% sure on any rumor (not even on 43rumors). But as far as I heard this is completely fake!!! I know I am not spectacular when I say this but as far as I heard Olympus will “only” announce an E-PL7 and probably a Silver E-M1 is going to be announced at photokina (among some great PRO lenses).

That said of course I would love to get a Full Frame version of the OMD. That’s why for once I posted a FT1 rumor months ago to keep dreaming a bit… :)


Save $100 on the Open Box GH4 sold by Samys.


[shoplink 47293 ebay][/shoplink]

You can save $100 on the Open BOx GH4 sold by [shoplink 47293 ebay]Samys one Bay (Click here)[/shoplink]. It’s not a lot of money you save here but it’s the first time you can spend less $$$ to get the GH4.

All current Olympus deals can be seen on that Amazon page and on that GetOlympus page.

Those are all current Olympus deals at GetOlympus:
Save $50 on Fast Prime Lenses for OM-D & PEN
Save $50 on Zoom Lenses for OM-D & PEN
Save $100 on the Award-Winning OM-D E-M1
Get a FREE Camera Grip with OM-D E-M10 Purchase
Up to $900 Off Lenses with OM-D or PEN E-P5 Purchase
Up to $100 Off Recorders with OM-D or E-P5 Purchase
FREE Wi-Fi Card with the E-PL5


(FT5) Confirmed: New MFT camera and FT sensor-fixed lens compact from Panasonic coming!


I can confirm via highly trusted sources that Panasonic is going to announce two new “Four Thirds sensor” cameras by end of August/early September:

1) A new Micro Four Thirds camera
2) A fixed lens Four Thirds sensor compact camera

I hope to get the specs about them soon!

For sources: Sources can send me anonymous info at 43rumors@gmail.com (create a fake gmail account) or via contact form you see on the right sidebar. Thanks!
For readers: Don’t miss any news. Join our group on facebook and follow our tweets.

Rumors classification explained (FT= FourThirds):
FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct


a little bit of everything…


Hagen (video on top):I have so much fun with the GH4/slowmo feature – I just have to share. It´s not for pixel peepers since I don´t spend much time for optimizing YT quality. But I thought it´s a nice demo how 1:4 looks in practice. I love those gymnastics girls!

How Does the Olympus 75-300mm Stack Up? (TheDigitalStory).
GM1 review at Eyalg.
Aquatica Announces AGH4 Housing for the Panasonic DMC-GH4 (Divephotoguide).

Christian:I just tested the new 1,2 / 43mm Leica Noctilux with my E-M1 camera. Have a look at my sample pictures. Performance is incredibly good. This is the link to my website with the pictures: http://christianwartner.blogspot.co.at. This is the link to my web album: https://plus.google.com/photos/114233466188372314881/albums/6041102849102564481

Anonymous:Panasonic GF-6 with lens, quite low price: http://www.rajalacamera.fi/panasonic-lumix-dmc-gf6-14-42.html
