Official Olympus statement: “we will continue to work on the improvement of profitability and efficiency in the Imaging Business”
“Sina Finance news” officially asked Olympus to comment the rumors about the possibility of their camera business shutdown. The official answer (note: google translated):
“The image business has always been the driving force of technology, including imaging technology and mass production technology, for medical and The science field has made tremendous contributions. As stated in the new business strategy, since the imaging business and the scientific business are important businesses supporting the company, we will continue to work on the improvement of profitability and efficiency in these two business areas.”
Sina also asked them regarding the fact that there is no discussion about the image business and the scientific business in the business strategy, does it mean that Olympus is considering the sale of these businesses? Olympus answer is:
Detailed information about these business plans can be found in the next quarter’s earnings.
So we will see in next quarters report how Olympus plans to revive their financially declining Imaging Business.