Olympus and Panasonic NO news

We havn’t found any important news today. So we gave some special attention to Pentax. Maybe because Marwin has been a Pentax K10D user since two years ;)

We promise you we will come back sooner as you think with important Panasonic and Olympus news. UPDATE: Much sooner than you can think ;) UPDATE 2: I have my first bigger Panasonic rumors!

By the way, we made a half miracle today because the redesign of our website is almost finished. We will try the new design this Sunday. We really hope you will enjoy it!

Which camera do I (Alejandro) own?

Minolta CLE

Linhof Tecnica 6×9

Nikon D700

Olympus E-3

Panasoic Lx-3

and then i have fuji, mamiya, canon and holga cameras ;)

What I am lookin for?

Olympus micro four thirds camera, Panasonic GH1, Leica Mp, and a 4×10 fotoman!

43team message

Thanks to all the people who visits us. It is a pleasure to work for you ;)  We have some minor 43rumors team news to share with you.

Our team is now composed by three persons. Next week D.B. will become our official english teacher :)

If YOU want to give your contribute you can:

– share your rumors. Even the most little rumor can be important for us.

– write posts. Yes you can become a 43rumors writer!

– we are still planning a complete redesign of our website. So if you want to contribute make us a call!

– Donate! We received 28$ dollars in our hole history ;)  and thanks for tollerating the banner (we are getting paid with every click)

Thank you again guys!

43rumors website

After spending hours and hours learning PHP and MySQL fundamentals :( we found the main problem which caused the slow website loading time. We removed all the wordpress plugins, made a cleanining job inside the database and reinstalled only the most important plugins. Now things should work better.

Our hosting server is still not fast and responsive enough for the ammount of people who visit us daily. We hope to get enough money from google advertising programm and free donations to upgrade to a better service.

Really, it was a frustrating job, Marwin sleeps an I go out to take some photos with my camera. I miss to play real photography!

Marwin and Alejandro