(FT4) 100macro and 14mm 2.0(?) coming! And two more primes after that?



We all knew it. Olympus needs more Four Thirds prime lenses. Preferably fast prime lenses! And it seems Olympus now will do something, and it looks like it will be something BIG!

1) Olympus plans to release four lenses for the classic four thirds mount (not micro).

2) One is the 100mm macro which has been on Olympus official roadmap since the beginning olympus lens list .pdf). The roadmap says the 100macro should be released after 2009 but this is probably not true! It could be released this year.

3) Then we will see the 14mm (probably with 2.0 aperture).

4) The information we have about the other two lenses is yet to be verified. They could be faster but we are not certain about that.

In total three sources (two trusted and one new) confirmed that Olympus is working on the release of more prime lenses . The new source (in which we trust) added the 14mm lens information.

We don’t know when the lens will be released because there is this “small thing”, the micro four thirds camera release. So it will probably happen some time after the release of that camera. And we don’t know if they will anounce them all together. Of course we will keep you updated with more information soon.

I hope you will enjoy this rumor.

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P.S.3.: We anticipated the announcement in order to prevent server blackouts


Panasonic GH1 banding issue?


There is a long and incredibly interesting thread in the dvxuser.com forum where people analyze the video quality of the Panasonic GH1. It seems the camera has a blue channel banding issue. I hope Panasonic can fix it soon.

UPDATE: It seems the same effect is present in the red channel.
UPDATE2: You can download a video sample from the GH1 from here: http://www.dvxuser.com/barry/PRIVATE.zip.
You can read the forum post at dvxuser.com.

UPDATE3: More videos for dowload avaiable here:



A little bit of all…


dcresource.com have released a high-ISO comparison between the Canon EOS Rebel T1i vs. Nikon D5000 vs. Olympus E-620 . It’s unlikely that there  an Olympus E-series camera will feature video soon but just for fun you can take a look at this video showing the Zacuto.

And lastly we wish all the best to nikonrumors.com which turns one year old today! Happy Birthday!
