Testing various ‘legacy’ 50mm lenses on the Panasonic GF1


I just saw a very good review on Pbase about various ‘legacy’ 50mm lenses on the Panasonic GF1.

Following lenses have been tested (click on the link to see the lens on eBay):

1. Canon 50mm f1.2 LTM
2. Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM
3. Leica 50mm Summilux f1.4 (first version) – M fit
4. Jupiter 3 50mm f1.5 (copy of the Zeiss 50/1.5)
5. Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (pre-asph new version, 1980s-1990s) – M fit
6. Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (pre-asph, chrome older version) – M fit
7. Voigtlander Heliar 50mm f2
8. Leica Elmar 50mm f2.8 (old M fit collapsable version)

It has been a huge surprise for me to read from the test that the Coigtländer Heliar showed the post performance! Do you agree?

He also tested the Black&White performance.
One more test is available here: http://www.pbase.com/nickdemarco/test_3_final


Olympus E-P2 review at Forum Olympus France


Forum Olympus France just posted a new Olympus E-P2 review.


(google english translation)

This review is quite complete on how the E-P2 is in the “real life”.

For instance, you will find pictures of the E-P2 viewfinder compared with an E-3 and a Canon 5D and a picture showing how this viewfinder is efficient regarding depth of field an out of focus area.


What are your questions to Olympus?


We have seen many Olympus manager being interviewed during the last days. I thought it would be nice to collect the questions you have. I will put them together and send an email to Olympus. Let’s see if they will answer us :)

Write a comment to this post and add your questions!
