a little bit of everything…


Belvilla’s Seasonal Inspiration: Summertime from Hugo Goudswaard on Vimeo.

Best 20 Pictures of 2013 and Stories Behind Them (Samudranil).
E-M1 is camera of the year at TheOnlinePhotographer.
TimeLapse-SunSet in Korea 2013″ from kooi-Park Kyoung Kyun at Dicahub.
Abstract work with the E-M1 at Sergiomuscat.com

Jon:If you like, feel free to share my E-M1 gallery, all shot with the E-M1 and the 17mm f/1.8 and 12-40mm f/2.8.   I’ve had the E-M1 for 2 weeks now and I’m extremely happy with it (I also have the D600 and X100S, just so you know where I’m coming from). Here’s the gallery: http://www.openbloom.com/CAMERAGEAR/Olympus-OMD-EM1-Gallery

Tomek:Olympus OM-D E-M1, E-M5, Live Time and… Christmas Time ;-) http://youtu.be/HAdXyQxk-j0

Martin:Not a rumor but I bet this is what all Panasonic video shooters would love to have: http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/218923/83767197.gif

Nicholas:The mounting plate of my M.Zuiko 12-40 PRO lens broke off, just as others have reported. Three of the four scores sheared. This happened while mounted on an E M-1(with Battery Holder) in a padded Lowe Pro Bag. The bag fell off a bed onto a heavily padded hotel carpet. It was such a minor fall that I didn’t even look inside the bag when it happened. I only realized the lens was damaged the next morning when I took the camera out of the bag.
I called Olympus and they acknowledged there was “an issue,” and assured me that warranty would cover the repair. Perhaps most troubling: The technician iI spoke with admitted that they do not have a fix. He encouraged me to keep checking the website for updated information.


(FT5) There will be a 25mm f/1.8 lens!


The current Panasonic Leica 25mm f/1.4

Another source confirmed that Olympus will launch a new 25mm f/1.8 lens. The source said the lens is solidly built and focuses fast on the new OMD camera. Yes, both, the new OMD and that lens will be announced in January.
The lens will be cheaper and smaller than the Panasonic Leica 25mm f/1.4.

I am working to get some Panasonic rumors too. The Nocticron should finaly be released at CP+ but I am not sure if the GH 4K camera will come now or in April at the Las Vegas NAB show…

For sources: Sources can send me anonymous info at 43rumors@gmail.com (create a fake gmail account) or via contact form you see on the right sidebar. Thanks!
For readers: Don’t miss any news. Join our group on facebook and follow our tweets.

Rumors classification explained (FT= FourThirds):
FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct




Samsung extreme EVF solution (you can pull and tilt it).



The first announcement of the year is made by Samsung (with the NX30). It’s not really a spectacular camera btu it has one new literally “eye catching”  feature: The EVF can be titled and pulled(!) for the comfort of your eyes. You tell me if such a “pulling” EVF would be nice to have on a MFT camera!

P.S.: “Our” Panasonic GX7 can tilt the EVF and not pull it.

foudnd via MirrorlessRumors.



First Panasonic Nocticron 42,5mm f/1.2 test!


A Pentaxforum user (Click here) had the luck to get and test the new Panasonic Nocticron 42,5mm f/1.2 lens. Many image samples and aperture tests can be seen on his Flickr page (Click here). He writes:

It’s quite large and heavy. I’d say the barrel is larger around than the 75, and it’s definitely a bit heavier. The whole thing is made of metal, and there’s an actual aperture ring with nice click-stops (though it doesn’t appear to function with my OM-D). The hood is super long, and also made of metal.
AF is pretty quick and very accurate. Bokeh is great for m43. Seems very sharp wide open, though there’s a loss of contrast. Some green LoCA, but nothing major.
Also confirmed that the aperture ring works on Panasonic bodies, but not Olympus. I assume this can be fixed with a firmware update.

Still no word about price and exact release date but it’s easy to guess that Panasonic will finally release it at the CP+ show in February.


Roger Cicala debunks some plastic-metal mount myths (in defense of the Olympus 12-40mm lens).

Image and text courtesy Lensrentals:
Panasonic-Leica 45mm. The 4 empty plastic holes are where the lens mount attaches. The 3 screws still in place attach this plastic piece to the next plastic piece in the lens barrel.”

As you know some people are arguing about the Olympus 12-40mm internal pastic mount. Well Roger Cicala from LensRentals debunks the myth saying “metal mount is better” or “professional lenses have always metal mounts”. With many pictures he shows how famous lenses like the Canon 35mm f/1.4 L, Panasonic-Leica 45mm, Canon 24-70 f/2.8 L Mk and so on do actually have a plastic mounts:

Looking at 7 years worth of data involving around 20,000 lenses I can’t find any suggestion that plastic mount lenses, in general, fail more than metal mount lenses. Sure, there are certain lenses that fail more than others, but not because they have a plastic mount.
Obviously a few Olympus 12-40mm lenses have broken at the mount. It may be there was a batch of badly molded mounts. It may be a design flaw. It may just be random chance – a few of everything break. But it’s not just because the mount is plastic.

Interesting read!
