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Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup.


Finn Gonschior‎
Sunset over Lake Titicaca
E-M1 + Olympus 40-150 F4-5.6

1) You can share your pics by using the message box on our 43rumors Facebook page (Click here).
2) All 43rumors readers pictures can be seen here: Like the pictures you like and chat with the authors if you want to know how they took the shot!
3) The most liked pictures and some pics selected by myself will be posted weekly on 43rumors

This is the weekly selection:

Will Solis
GX7+42.5mm F1.2

Jannes Boonstra‎
Gang of otters,
E-M1 * 75mm

Ilya Varivchenko‎
Sasha, OM-D EM5, 45/1.8

Ron Nabity‎
The trees are changing colors. Taken with Olympus E-M5 & 40-150mm R (4-5.6) lens.

Stephane Lanoux‎
Dance of Despair and Disillusionment
About 150,000 people live nowadays in Diepsloot; many of them live in shacks 3m by 2m assembled from scrap metal, wood, plastic and cardboard. Some families lack access to basic services such as running water, sewage and rubbish removal.
City officials estimate that half the population in the settlement is unemployed.
Olympus O-M10 & 12-40/2.8

Mark Zaig Photography
Jam Session. GH3 + 12-35mm f2.8, ISO 3200.

Gonzalo Broto‎
My first model shoot, only natural light with GH3 + Olympus M. Zuiko 45mm f1.8.

Francisco José Duarte Silva‎
Stormy – praia de Santa Cruz, Portugal – E-M1 12-40

John Owens
Cherai Beach, India at sunset. Olympus EM1 with 12-60mm lens

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