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(FT5) No new EVF for the GF1 but more prime lenses to come!

In March we thought Panasonic could release a new External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'ES') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'IT') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'AT') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'BE') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'AU') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'FR' OR $loc == 'FX') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'NL') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'CA') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($loc == 'US') { $sel = "1"; ?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } if ($sel != '1') {?>External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1 } ?>. Japanese dealers wrote us that they were experiencing a shortage and Panasonic didn’t deliver them any new EVF. Now interviewed Mr. Inoue from Panasonic (click here to read the google english translation)

And that are the most interesting things he said:
1) There will be more prime lenses (43rumors will tell you more about it soon!)
2) We will upgrade the Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'ES') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'IT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'AT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'BE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'AU') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'FR' OR $loc == 'FX') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'NL') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'CA') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'JA' OR $loc == 'JP') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($loc == 'US') { $sel = "1"; ?>Panasonic GH1 } if ($sel != '1') {?>Panasonic GH1 } ?> camera with many professional features
3) No new EVF for the GF1

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