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First leaked images of the new OM-1 camera!

OM-1 at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon. GetOlympus.
OM-1 in EU at Calumet DE. Fotokoch DE. Wex UK. Olympus DE, Olympus UK, Olympus FR, Olympus IT, Olympus ES. Olympus NL. Olympus BE. Olympus AT. Olympus CH.
40-150mm f/4.0 at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon. GetOlympus. Calumet DE. Wex UK.
12-40mm II at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon. GetOlympus. Calumet DE. Wex UK.

Here are the world’s first images of the new OM-1 camera!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to not miss any further leaks!

And these are the full specs:

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