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Tony Northrup thinks the chances for the L-mount to survive are even worse than for the Micro Four Thirds mount

I know Tony Northrup got a lot of critic after posting a video saying Micro Four Thirds is a dead-end system. Well to cheer you up check out his new video :)

He believes the Panasonic L-mount, Canon M and Pentax mounts have far less chance to survive than MFT. Well I call this an improvement for us :)

His bases his assumptions on some data collected here and there (like this Amazon Camera ranking). My very personal unscientific feeling is that MFT is pretty save…while I tend to agree that L-mount is in serious trouble. Why so?

Olympus and Fuji are the only two serious players in the small sensor segment. While in the Full frame world you have all the big guns like Canon, Nikon and Sony. Moreover the MFT basis is well established while the new Panasonic L-mount cameras started very late in the game. And from what I am hearing sales are indeed not good for the Panasonic S.

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