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The full Olympus presentation (It’s a new Panasonic fabricated and Olympus designed sensor!)

The big question of the day is, “Is Olympus using an own designed sensor?”. The official pree release didn’t mention anything about that but we know got a confirmation from Asian websites.
TvSmith interviewed “Mr Yasuo Asakura, the General Manager of SLR R & D, (he said) the E-P3 features a new Panasonic MOS sensor fabricated exclusively for Olympus

And Clubsnap posted the full Olympus press release power point presentation. It contains the info about the new sensor, new shutter and a lot more interesting news!

UPDATE: Clubsnap now removed the presentation!

Links to preorders

Olympus E-P3 preorders at Adorama (Click here). Price $899 with kit lens!
E-P3 presentation page on Amazon (Click here). No preorders yet.
Olympus 12mm f/2.0 lens preorder at Adorama (Click here). Price $799.
Olympus 45mm f/1.8 preorder at Adorama (Click here). Price $399.

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