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Something else: Daily Greek Diaries with the E-PL1

I have a very good friend who’s name is Elena. It’s not her real name but because of safety reasons I can’t unveil her real name andinstead  I will give you the name she has chosen to be named with. She grew up in Antwerpen but she has Greek origins and she now lives in Greek with the husband and two children. If you would know her you would agree that she is a wonderful women. So why am I writing about Elena here on 43rumors?

For years now we got bombarded by a huge amount of information about Greece. And it is for years now that I weekly and sometimes daily talk with Elena about the very daily and normal aspects of her life in Greece. She told me so many little stories that I never read on any newspaper. She unveiled me the real struggle to live in a situation like that as a mother of two children.

I thought it’s pity that we don’t hear/see/read that kind of stories in our newspaper, TVs or radio’s. So an idea came to my mind. I bought an [shoplink 14832]Olympus E-PL1[/shoplink] for very cheap at [shoplink 22691 ebay]Olympusmarket[/shoplink] and sent it to her. She got the camera yesterday. And I asked her to share the stories she usually tells me with the 43rumor audience.

She is not a journalist nor a writer and she is very shy. So she still needs time to get comfortable with the writing. She wrote a couple of test articles on her website and I still feel she needs you reader to push her, to be less formal and less focused on the big themes we hear every day of.

She still has to learn how to write in order to communicate what I know she has inside her feelings. I ask you to help her to get out the most from her stories. Make questions, criticize and she will learn and open you a little and deep world.

So invite you to visit the website which is As I told you, if you are interested int he matters push her, contact her and ask here to show some pics done with the E-PL1. I feel what’s happening in Greece may be important for our future too!

Thanks guys!
Your 43rumors admin


UPDATE: I just created the facebook page for greekdiaries. It’s here: Click on “like” to follow the stories :)

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