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Robin Wong tests the 15 year old Olympus E-1

Thew Olympus E-1 is now 15 years old and you can still buy them used on Amazon and [shoplink 71449 ebay]eBay[/shoplink]. And 15 years after we got a new review by Robin Wong:

Has imaging technology improved that much over the years that cameras from only a few years ago have become truly obsolete?
My answer is both yes, and no. Yes, imaging innovation has indeed come a long way and pushed imaging boundaries. On the other hand, I don’t believe any camera can be completely obsolete. If it can shoot a good portrait photograph 10 years ago, it can surely do the same today, and for several years to come. The Megapixels may not be sufficient for larger resolution displays, and the images may be lacking in terms of overall sharpness, dynamic range and color tonality but we all know that photography is a lot more than just technical perfection. I have to remind myself, to make use of what I currently have, before considering an upgrade which may not add value to my photography.

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