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Pekka Potka says there is no real IQ difference between E-PL5 and E-M5.

The E-PL5 vs E-M5 comparison by DSLRcheck (translation here).

As Heisenberg proved in the world of physics every testing results depends from the tester. So we now have two new tests trying to find out if there is an IQ difference between the E-PL5 and E-M5:

1) First test: Pekka Potka debunked the myth of the E-PL5 being better then the E-M5. He compared the two cameras and states that “the only thing we can see in these two images is that there really is no difference at all. Yes, there are very, very slight differences but they can come from so many little deviations.“.

2) Second test: DSLRcheck posted another E-PL5 versus E-M5 comparison. The test shows how the E-PL5 has a bit more moire but at the same time also a tiny bit more sharpness. This test indeed suggests that there may be a difference between the two cameras and this may be caused by the lack of AA filter (as written by Olympus France in a message to Lepidi).

I repeat it once again, I link to reviews written by others and I am sure they all have the best intentions. But as stated by Pekka there are so many variables influencing test results. And even Olympus France could have done an (unintentional) wrong statement. At that point I want to remind you that this are just pixel peeping talks. You will never notice a real difference between a printed E-PL5 or E-M5 image. It’s great that Olympus used the best m43 sensor to date for both smalle new PEN cameras :)

New PEN preorders:
E-PL5 at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto. In EU at Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, Amazon France,
E-PM2 at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto. In EU at Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, Amazon France,

The E-PM2 is in Stock at Cametaacutions (Here on slidoo ebay), whiel the E-PL5 is in Stock in Asia (here on slidoo ebay).




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