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Olympus 40-150mm PRO lens reviewed at Admiringlight: “the lens is predominantly stellar”.

Image courtesy: Admiringlight

Admiringlight (Click here) posted the full 40-150mm PRO lens review:

While the lens is predominantly stellar, there are a few things to watch out for.  The lens flares badly when the sun is included in the frame or just out of it, and the autofocus can sometimes have trouble in dim light on an Olympus E-M5, but overall, I really enjoyed shooting with the 40-150mm.  It’s got a fantastic range, excellent optical quality and a robust build quality that oozes professionalism. It is well worthy of the PRO label etched into the lens barrel.

40-150mm PRO shipping info at:
In USA/Canada at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, GetOlympus and GetOlympus Canada.
In Europe at Wex UK, Technikdirekt and Amazon.
In Asia at Digitalrev and Amazon Japan.

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