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Nocticron is the best Micro Four Thirds lens ever tested by DxOmark!

DxO (Click here) just published the full Nocticron 42,5mm f/1.2 lens test. It will surprise no one here that it became the best MFT lens ever tested by DxO. But the margin to the Olympus 75mm and 45mm lenses isn’t high and the price difference on the opposite is considerable. DxO writes:

Although this is a bold step for Panasonic, the price is a going to be a stumbling block for the majority, particularly as it has to sway users away from the diminutive and accessibly priced Olympus 45mm f1.8.
That model is both discrete and a very good performer, although it’s someway behind in build and in outright optical quality. Looking at the line-up as a whole it’s uncomfortably close to 45mm and the longer 75mm f1.8, yet there seems little doubt it will tempt enthusiasts looking for an edge in performance and to the advantages of returning to an aperture ring.

Expensive? Yes. But if you want the best lens this is the way to go!

You can buy the lens at Amazon US (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here). In UK at Wexphotographic (Click here). In Germany at Redcoon (Click here), Technikdirekt (Click here).

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