Site icon 43 Rumors

Important: 43rumors goals and changes

Dear readers.

That’s me Alejandro. I created this website 7 months ago. When I made 43rumors I never thought the website could become such popular. The 43rumors website has no professional look, language is poor, and structure is confusing. As you know I was travelling a lot in the past months. During this time I thought a lot about the limits and future of 43rumors. I also had to become clear about my personal involvement in this project.

I came back from my very long trip with a very positive feeling. I want to spend even more time on this website in order to make it easy and nice to you reading our news. I learned a lot from your comments, critics and suggestion and I am ready to work on it.

I will rethink and restructure the 43rumors website. This are the main goals:

– Make content easy accessible for you

– Simplify categories and design.

– Add new contents and interactivity between the 43rumors writer and you.

This are my detailled suggested changes list:

1) New website structure. The new website will group the news and rumors and make it easier to you to access the content

I suggest following structure:

– The main page will have news divided in following four categories:





No more MiroFourThirds-Panasonicrumors-Olympusrumors and Miscellaneus category.

– review page with a list of all cameras and lenses and links to reviews/news. Something like this Registered people can add their own opinion and rating on every product.

– Some kind of community section. Not a classic forum (there are so many of them). But something which makes it easy to comment our news and connect people.

2) New website layout

– Less stuff on the website. We have to many boxes and images!

– Clean design (A very good webdesigner will work on new logo, fonts and layout).

– Less introusive advertising.

3) Language and writing style

– I promise you I will take some classes in english! Really, I feel so sorry for my poor english. I have to work on it! The people that sometimes helps me are not native english speaker. Our languages are spanish, german, italian, dutch, french, and some occasional helper speaks korean, chinese, japanese, portuguese.

– We (the administrator and the other occasional writers) will talk in first person and every post should be signed by the author.  You have to know who is the guy posting the news!

– Write less write more. We will try to post less and to write more (commenting the news and reviews)

4) Exclusive content

– Thanks the 43rumors website I met many interesting people. And I absolutely want you to meet them! I will post some interviews and work they do (mostly using Panasonic and Olympus cameras).

– photo challenges.

– free photostuff exchange. I have some viewfinders-lenses-and other stuff I do not use anymore. It would be nice to create a plattform where you can exchange this stuff or give it away for free!

Feel free to add your suggestions!



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