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Gianni Galassi thoughts about the E-P2 and E-PL2

Gianni Galassi (Click here) is a well known italian photographer and he started to use the [shoplink 14830]E-P2[/shoplink] instead of the [shoplink 14828]GF1[/shoplink]: “The main reason of this purchase is the poor definition of my Panasonic GF1 electronic viewfinder. I tend to use bigger focal lengths lately, so I can’t risk to get motion-blurred photographs by holding the camera with my arms stretched out -which is a good way to frame with wide angles, on the other hand-. I need a “real” eyepiece so that I can push the unit onto my face and fine-tune my framing with no shake. And, most of all, with the capability to reliably manual-focus, when required.

He likes the Olympus cameras a lot but there are some complains:

-Why in the hell the live view system of the E-P2 cannot visualize the EV alterations set by the photographer? No matter how I tweak aperture values in manual mode, or exposure compensation in any mode, the displayed image remains the same and, worst of all, even the histogram doesn’t show any change (which makes the histogram display totally senseless). This function is implemented in most (and cheaper) compact cameras. Why E-P2 users aren’t entitled to it, whereas [shoplink 18844]E-PL2[/shoplink] (fortunately) are?
-Why in the hell the endless E-P2 and E-PL2 menus don’t allow users to configure live-view screen according to their needs? For example, I can not have the histogram and the grid shown in the same view, nor I can move the histogram wherever I’d like it to be. No, I’m obliged to toggle between different modes by countlessly pushing the “display” button: it’s crazy.
-Why in the hell the E-P2 histogram is so big it hides most of the framed image, whereas the E-PL2 one is so poorly outlined that I have to guess what it says?
-Why in the hell the button layout of the E-PL2 is so totally (and crazily) different from the E-P2? Do those cameras belong to different lineups? Perhaps Olympus designers have fun every time I mistake the “menu” button for the “info” button, or the “playback” button for the “trash can” button. Or maybe Olympus R&D department is outsourced (an euphemism for “subcontracted”) to anonymous (and different) external camera makers, with no coordination or briefing coming out of the brand’s management?
-Why in the hell the “Fn” button configurability is restricted to such a few options?
-Why in the hell the [shoplink 21035]VF-2 electronic viewfinder[/shoplink], notwithstanding its price, has got to be so flimsy and poorly built?
-Why in the hell the two cameras don’t share the same battery (and charger) notwithstanding their identical battery size?

Read the full article at Gianni Galassi’s website (Click here).

What do you think?

Links to the discussed Micro Four Thirds products:
VF-2 electronic viewfinder at [shopcountry 21035].
Olympus E-P2 at [shopcountry 14830].
Olympus E-PL2 at [shopcountry 18844].
Panasonic GF1 at [shopcountry 14828].

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