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(FT4) UPDATED -> Ricoh camera to come with two lenses (one prime and one zoom)

As you already know Ricoh will probably be the first company to release a MicroFourThirds competitor.

Following rumor comes from a known trusted source with nickname “Batman” ;)
He says: “Ricohs camera system will start with two “lenses”, one prime, one zoom. The prime has 33mm real focal length, the zoom 5,1-15,3mm.

As I don’t have his email address I have to ask him some questions directly from this post:

1) UPDATED: Will the Ricoh camera use the same GX200 sensor or new APS-C sensor? The focal lenght of the two lenses are in contraddiction. The 33mm prime lens do suggest the Ricoh could use the APS-C sensor, the zoom focal lenght suggest the new camera will use the same GX200 sensor.

2) What will be the differences between the Ricoh camera and the E-P1/E-P2/GF1 cameras ?

3) Why are they using a “slide-in” mechanism?

UPDATE: “Batman’s” answer is “To answer your questions, the focal length i gave to you are correct, and we are talking about just one camera. Thats also the answer for question two: This is the difference ;-)
Answer three, because it is the most comfortable for this kind of camera concept.

UPDATE: says the new Ricoh camera will be unveiled on November 10.


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