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(FT4) Full Panasonic GH 4K camera specs!

Image on top shows the Canon EOS C300. The new GH will compete against it.

Panasonic said many times that they want to focus on the pro market. And I am certain Panasonic will launch a 4K Micro Four Thirds camera in 2014.

And I already have some possible specs of the new camera! One of my long time trusted sources shared the full specs. I wasn’t able to doublecheck the info yet so don’t take it as a full FT5 rumor yet. Her they are:

Panasonic GH4
1/8000 shutter
1mil dot OLED screen
21mm OLED viewfinder, 3,000+ dot.
Time code
200mbps mp4 All-i/100mbps IPB
4:2:2 10/8bit output
3G-SDI and XLR adaptor (An adaptor that the camera sits on with XLR x2, HD-SDI x4)
Price: €2799

The source also said that it’s a rather chunky slab of a thing taking the whole width of the GH4 and about an inch deeper front to back, with the outputs all facing out the left if you were to view when holding the camera facing away from you. Certainly not an item expected to be used outside of a rig by the looks of it.

A second source confirmed that a High End Panasonic MFT camera is likely going to be announced in Spring. He cannot confirm the specs but he told me Panasonic will put all the best tech they have into that camera. The camera will compete against the Canon EOS C300 but for 1/5 of the price!

UPDATE: A detailed analysis can be read at EosHD.

For sources: Sources can send me anonymous info at (create a fake gmail account) or via contact form you see on the right sidebar. Thanks!
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Rumors classification explained (FT= FourThirds):
FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct

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