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(FT3) HOT! Panasonic to announce a completely new type of camera (early July)

According to rumors we received yesterday Panasonic will announce a new camera which will not be comparable with any camera released by Panasonic before. We are not talking about long awaited LX3 } if ($loc == 'ES') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'IT') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'AT') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'BE') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'AU') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'FR' OR $loc == 'FX') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'NL') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($loc == 'CA') { $sel = "1"; ?>LX3 } if ($sel != '1') {?>LX3 } ?> successor. The LX4 (or LX5) will be announced late July or before Photokina. And we are not talking about a camera with interchangeable lenses. The sources did not tell us exactly how it will look like but we from 43rumors believe it will be a MicroFourThirds camera with fixed lens (like the Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'ES') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'IT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'AT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'BE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'AU') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'FR' OR $loc == 'FX') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'NL') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($loc == 'CA') { $sel = "1"; ?>Sigma DP2 } if ($sel != '1') {?>Sigma DP2 } ?>)

The camera should be unveiled early July. We hope some of our sources can tell us more about that camera soon!

Thanks Heli. ;)

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