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(FT2) Olympus future modular camera with tilt-shift option?

The following rumor has been sent by a new source. I post it because I was not able to get confirmation from other sources. Maybe some of you can tell me more about it ;)

According to the new source “One module will use the space that is taken up normally with the mirror to perform tilt&shift functions with the sensor… in other words if you think about how tilt and shift was done with the old 5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'ES') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'IT') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'AT') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'BE') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'AU') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'FR' OR $loc == 'FX') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'NL') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($loc == 'CA') { $sel = "1"; ?>5×4 view cameras } if ($sel != '1') {?>5×4 view cameras } ?> by moving the film plane. The only difference here would be the sensor plane would be shifted……..could be novel because rather than performing tilt and shift in the lenses it would be done with the sensor as in a view camera……this would mean you could have tilt and shift function with zoom lenses!!!

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