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a bit of everything…

G85 review by Geekanoids

Panasonic G80 sample photos (CameraJabber).
family focus: tips for photographing winter fun (Lumix Lounge).
E-PL8 to be released in late November in Japan (Olympus Japan).
Photokina 2016: What’s New in Imaging at the Big Show? Part 2 (Explora).
From Light to Dark: High-Key and Low-Key Lighting in Portrait Photography (ALC).
1:2,8/350 mm unterwegs mit einer Legende (Pen And Tell).

Iker:Una historia muy curiosa (y triste) A este fotógrafo español le han robado un vídeo grabado con la GH4 y lo están haciendo pasar por un vídeo del Google Pixel!!

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