Site icon 43 Rumors

a bit of everything…

Across the Map
from David Racine on Vimeo.

Gold Box deals and Olympus deals at Amazon Germany (Click here).
6 Tips to Create Compelling Star Effects, Sun Stars, Starbursts, or Sun Flares in Your Photographs (Explora).
West Wales – Day 1 – Panasonic GX8 14-140mm ‘super zoom’ (Soundimagesplus).
Panasonic G7 test at Pixelmania.
GX8 test at Nikkei.

David Racine (video on top):This is a short film about a road trip across Canada I made with my GH4, I hope you guys like it!

Russ:Hey there. Thought you’d be interested in this. Shot with the GH4. Filmed while on bicycle and using mirrorless because of the light weight!

Richard:Panasonic FZ300 BIG problem with a fHD video quality:

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