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a bit of everything…

Insane Beginner M43 Portrait Lens, Pergear 50mm f1.8 HD MC – RED35 Review

Modified tripod collar to fit Olympus 50-200mm classic zuiko with 3D print (Witono).
8 Tips for Improving Framing and Depth in Your Landscape Photographs (Explora).


I recently produced a video I thought might be of interest to yourself and your readers. I set myself the challenge of capturing a cinematic sequence with one restriction…I could only use focal lengths of 100mm or greater. I feel that like a lot of filmmakers, I tend to use wide lenses a lot of the time, so wanted to learn more about the purpose of long lenses and the unique shots that they can achieve. It was a fun experiment and my little girl was very patient while I asked her to walk up a hill…again and again and again:

Plenty of news on the facebook OMD group, Panasonic FF and the GH5 group.

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