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Veydra MFT lens offer. Free shipping and free import tax.


Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-19 um 08.35.23

If you want to buy the new Veydra MFT Cine Lenses you can get them with free shipping and import tax paid using the coupon code displayed here:

And European readers still can buy plenty of discounted and refurbished OMD cameras at [shoplink 22691 ebay]Olympusmarket[/shoplink]:
[shoplink 51786 ebay]Silver E-M10 body[/shoplink] [shoplink 51788 ebay]Silver E-M5 with 12-50mm lens[/shoplink] [shoplink 51789 ebay]Silver E-M15 body[/shoplink] [shoplink 51791 ebay]Black E-M10 with 12-42mm lens[/shoplink] [shoplink 51792 ebay]Silver E-M10 body[/shoplink] [shoplink 51793 ebay]Black E-M1 body[/shoplink] [shoplink 51794 ebay]Black E-M10 with 12-42mm lens[/shoplink] [shoplink 51795 ebay]Silver E-M10 with 12-42mm lens[/shoplink] [shoplink 51797 ebay]Black E-M10 double lens kit[/shoplink] [shoplink 51798 ebay]Silver E-M10 with 12-42mm lens[/shoplink] [shoplink 51642 ebay]E-M1 with 12-40mm lens for 1799 Euro (three in Stock)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 51641 ebay]E-M1 with 12-50mm lens for 1349 Euro (eight in Stock)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 51647 ebay]Black E-M5 body for 719 Euro (two in Stock)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 51639 ebay]Black E-M5 with 12-50mm lens for 899 Euro (seven in Stock)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 51640 ebay]Silver E-M5 with 12-50mm lens for 899 Euro (seven in Stock)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 51643 ebay]Black E-M10 with external flash for 539 Euro (more than ten)[/shoplink].

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