Olympus, please send us some image leaks!


We know you have the REAL MicroFourThirds camera in your hands. Why not start to make something a là Pentax K7? Let’s have some fun until the real june 15th announcement! Send us some blurred images! ;)

UPDATE: Send your images at  43rumors@gmail.com

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(FT 5) The Olympus MFT camera name


We knew the name since two months but we have an agreement with one of our sources to not reveal the name to soon. But now we can say you two little thing.

1) It will keep the E-nomenclature

2) The name is somehting like  “E-xx” (instead of the xx there is a letter and a number)

The agreement waiting time will be over soon!  ;)

P.S.: We googled for around the web for one month, nobody knows the name! Olympus is doing a very good job!


Pentax K7-Panasonic GH1 video specs comparison


As a pure photo camera the Pentax K7 will probably deliver a very good quality (read the specs here) but…

…I believed the Pentax K7 will go on par with the Panasonic GH1 in terms of video capabilities. Pentax told us they will make a two generations jump forward. But I am really disappointed with the video potentials from that camera.

Here the reasons:

1) The Pentax K7 does 720/30p only  (the GH1 720/60p or Full HD!)

2) The Pentax K7 has only mono microfone input

There is no mention over the compression specifications (the only point where the GH1 doesn’t really satisfy me with his 17MB/s)

I would say the GH1 is still the most usable video DSLR !

Preorder your Panasonic GH1 at amazon: Panasonic DMC-GH1 12MP Four Thirds Interchangeable Lens Camera with 1080p HD Video
