(FT5) Continually updated -> The Ricoh GXR is here!!! Not really a MicroFourThirds competitor!?!?
And Photographyblog has a size comparison with the Panasonic GF1: http://www.photographyblog.com/news/ricoh_gxr_vs_panasonic_gf1/
Also preorder is available at amazon:Ricoh GRX
A special Ricoh website can be seen here: http://www.ricoh.co.jp/dc/gxr/special/ (Thanks GUWI for sending the link!)
£420 for the “unit”
£600 for the 12.3MP CMOS sensor & 50mm Macro Lens (HD Video)
£300 for the 10MP CCD sensor & 24-72mm Zoom Lens (5fps RAW, VGA video)
They say the Ricoh GX3 is smaller than the include("buy/gf1.php"); ?> and Olympus include("buy/e-p1.php"); ?>.
Let’s start the poll!

P.S.: Our “Batman” source were right with the specs. I hope you can help us in future again ;)
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