(FT4) Small G2 and G10 details from our sources
This is a small list of rumors we received from trusted sources:
FT3= rumor received from a single trusted source but (still to be confirmed by other sources)
FT5= confirmed by 2 or more of our very good sources
– Announcement on Sunday (9am London time) (FT5)
– The sensor is not the one of the GH1 (FT5)
– Panasonic G2 with tiltable touchscreen (FT5)
– Panasonic G10 with fixed screen (no touchscreen) (FT3)
– Both with ISO 6.400 (FT3)
– Both with 12 Megapixel sensor (FT3)
– Panasonic G2 with AVCHD 720p recording (FT3)
– Panasonic G10 with 720 motion JPG recording (FT3)
If someone can confirm that “rumored” spec or add more details please send us an email: 43rumors@gmail.com