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The new design so far…


It is gone quickly today. We found the theme we were looking for. Thanks your donations and clicks on advertising we had the money to spend the 75$ for the theme. Our main goal is to make a more enjoiable website with less confusing advertising presence.

The list of changes includes:

1) Comments and most popular posts should become more importance

2) Every post on the main page shows you the last comment.

3) US, UK, german and soon french and canadian people will see amazon (and may other companies) direct link to the most interesting products. It is by far better than the adsense banner. We get 5% commission for every product you buy after clicking the banner (coul be even a book!). If you are occasionally amazon buyer and you may like our ob you can buy EVERYTHING by simply clicking over the product or over the amazon logo.

All other people will see the adsense banner instead.

4) We added a live-chat. We will try it ou, just for fun :)

5) We cutted the stupid google search option. Now you can use a normal search tool.

This is just the beginning. We have a looooong list!!!

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